Using Japan’s advanced dental technology, Systema Advanced Breath Health Toothpaste is clinically proven better in helping to reduce bad breath* for long lasting fresh breath. It helps kill 99.9% of bacteria+ that cause gum problems with IPMP and provide 24 hours anti-bacterial protection^. It is also clinically proven to help provide 4X gum care*.
Healthy gums, long lasting fresh breath and healthy you.
*As compared to ordinary toothpaste.
^With twice daily brushing.
+Based on Lion laboratory test. Systema Advanced Breath Health Toothpaste (Natural Clean Mint) is proven in helping to kill 99.9% gum problem-causing bacteria. Gum problem-causing bacteria refers to bacteria inhabiting in the BioFilm – Porphyromonas gingivalis, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Veillonella parvula, Actinomyces viscosus.
There are more than 400 kinds of bacteria in your mouth. Bio Film, main cause of gum disease, is a nest of gum disease bacteria where multiple bacteria live by sticking to the gum surface, making it tough to kill. Left untreated, Bio Film produces toxins, causing red and swollen gums which leads to gum pockets and gum disease.
First in Japan, Lion succeeded in the production of “GD Bio Film model” in Year 2003 to study the composition, structure and resistibility of antisepticizing ingredients of gum disease bacteria.
Using the “GD Bio Film model”, Lion Japan discovered the effect of anti-bacterial ingredient – IPMP that can aggressively attack, completely penetrate and destroy the Bio Film.
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